26. What is Luo Dengping’s husband?
A A migrant worker.
B. A performer.
C. A distributor.
D. A driver
27. What can be the best title for the text?
A. China’s Only”Spider Woman
B. The Promotion of Ancient Skills
C. A Hobby Makes ” Spider Woman
D.“ Spider men” Becomes a Must-see
In the Ancient Greek world, one was meant to focus on a close knowledge of just two books Homer’s Odyssey and his Iliad, because these were the best guides to action in military and civilian affairs. However, the modern world firmly equals the intelligent person with the well-read person.
Nowadays, if we do not rush to read four of this years major prize winning books, we will feel guilty at how far behind we are. We think that there should be no limit to how much we read because in answer to the question of why we read, there is only one response that will ever be ambitious enough:we read in order to know everything
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