


22. What can we learn about the students involved in an innovative classroom project?
A. They may study a new model.
B. They are on the quickest way to be experts.
C. They will get more freedom during research project.
D. They have advantages of studying outside the classroom.

23. Where is this article probably taken from?
A. magazine.
B. An advertisement.
C. A college website.
D. An academic journal.

B Heroic deeds come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them require bravery in the face of danger, and others result from a simple random act of compassion. Natalie Fernando was taking her 5-year-old autistic(自闭的) son Rudy for seaside walk when the little boy got into meltdown, breakdown of self-control.
“My son loves to walk, but he hates to turn around and walk back. We usually try to walk in a circuit to avoid this but on his favourite walk with the boats we have no choice but to turn back. This will often lead to a meltdown, one which can normally handle but not for today,”Fernando explained on her Facebook page.

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