砺剑·2023相约高考 新高三摸底卷(一) 英语答案,我们目前收集并整理关于砺剑·2023相约高考 新高三摸底卷(一) 英语答案得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)
砺剑·2023相约高考 新高三摸底卷(一) 英语答案
[试题解析]根据Eileen Gu部分中的”She fell once during the big air jumps and had to increase the technical difficulty in the third round to ensure her spot in the final,where she went on to win the gold medal.”可知,谷爱凌参加了自由式滑雪大跳台项目.故选A项.
[试题解析]根据Lindsey Jacobellis部分中的”After a 16-year medal drought((长期缺乏), the 36-year-old eventually overpowered a much younger field of competitors during the women’s snowboard cross and won her first career(职业)gold in Beijing.”可知,Lindsey Jacobellis在36岁赢得了她的第一枚金牌.故选C项.
[试题解析]根据Brittany Bowe部分中的”The33-year-old Brittany Bowe voluntarily gave up her spot on the US 500-meter speed skating team to her teammate and friend Erin Jackson.It cost her one of the two spots at the2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.”可知, Brittany Bowe自愿将她在美国500米速滑队的排名位置让给了她的队友及朋友Erin Jackson.
这让她失去了参加2022年北京冬季奥运会的两个名额之一.由此可知,Brittany Bowe将友谊置于比赛之上.故选B项.
[语篇解读]本文是一篇记叙文.文章主要讲述了歌手Dolly Parton通过Buddy Programme和Imagination Library等项目,为美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大和爱尔兰的孩子们提供帮助,给予他们更好的生活机会的故事.
[试题解析]根据第三段中”Among other charity efforts,Parton was inspired to introduce the Buddy Programme after seeing the alarming dropout rate in her hometown of Sevierville,
[试题解析]根据第三段中So,inthesameycar,sheinvitedthefifthandsixthgraderstoher amusement park Dollywood She gathered the pupils and asked them to pair up with a friend as parlofa motivaling buddy system Iboh chidren wenl on to gaduae she said she wouldofer thembotha$500checkasareward”可知,在BuddyProgramme项目中,DollyParton通过鼓励学生结对学*来帮助他们.故选C项.
[试题解析]根摄倒数第二段中Tohelpgivekidsfromdisadvantagedbackgroundsabetter chance at school the singer stared her Imagination Library in 1995.Over the following 25 years Lhe programme has seen babies and toddlers cnjoy new books every monuh thanks to her
[试题解析根据第二、三我内容、倒教第二致中”Overhiefollowing25yearsthe programme has seen babies andtoddlers enjoy new books every month thanks to her generosity.和最后一段最后一句可推知,DollyParton热心于通过公益活动来鼓舞孩子们继续接受教育,同时还概创办图书馆,让儿意可以每个月读到新书,在2020年又指款100万关元用于新冠肺炎的研究,由此可知,她是个鼓舞人心且体概大方的人.故选A项.
[试题解析根据第一段中”ChineseTVdramaAwakeningAgewhichnarrates(叙达)the story ofhow he Commuis Pary ofChinaCPCwas founded in 1921was firs aired last year but it remains a hot topic on social media where discussion shows that it has played a positive rolcincducatingyoungpeopleabouChinasrevolutionaryhistory.”可知,电视剧《党醒年代》讲述了中国共产党的成立.故选B项.
[试题解析根据第二段中”TheTVseriescelebratingthe1o0thanniversaryofthefouding oflheCPChaswonhighpraiseonline”可知,这部庆祝中国共产党成立100周年的电视剧在网上藏得了高度评价.再根据画线词上文”Thestorytellingintheshowhasalsobeen和后文”by viewers for suceessfully showing the depth of the CPCs history and spiri as wellas the warmhofChinaandcveryfamilyinthecountry可知,该剧成功地最现了中国共产党历史和精神的深度以及中国和每个家庭的温暖.故画线词与praise同义,意思是”普扬”.此处表示该剧的故享椅节受到了观众的赞扬.record”记录”;recall”回想起”;prove”证明”.故选D项.
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