


1、2020年高考英语真题和模拟题分项汇编专题10 完形填空夹叙夹议文一、2020年高考真题1. 【2020全国卷I】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Since our twins began learning to walk, my wife and I have kept telling them that our sliding glass door is just a window. The 41 is obvious. If we 42 it is a door, theyll want to go outside 43 . It 。

2、will drive us crazy. The kids apparently know the 44 . But our insisting its 45 a window has kept them from 46 millions of requests to open the door.I hate lying to the kids. One day theyll 47 and discover that everything theyve always known about windows is a 48 .I wonder if 49 should always tell t。

3、he truth no matter the 50 . I have a very strong 51 that the lie were telling is doing 52 damage to our children. Windows and doors have 53 metaphorical(比喻) meanings. Im telling them they cant open what they absolutely know is a door. What if later in 54 they come to a metaphorical door, like an opp。

4、ortunity(机会) of some sort, and 55 opening the door and taking the opportunity, they just 56 it and wonder, What if it isnt a door? That is, What if it isnt a 57 opportunity?Maybe its an unreasonable fear. But the 58 is that I shouldnt lie to my kids. I should just 59 repeatedly having to say, No. We。

5、 cant go outside now. Then when they come to other doors in life, be they real or metaphorical, they wont 60 to open them and walk through.41AreliefBtargetCreasonDcase42AadmitBbelieveCmeanDrealize43AgraduallyBconstantlyCtemporarilyDcasually44AresultBdangerCmethodDtruth45AmerelyBslightlyChardlyDpartly46AreviewingBapprovingCreceivingDattempting47Awin outBgive upCwake upDstand out48AdreamBlieCfantasyDfact49AparentsBtwinsCcolleaguesDteachers50ArestrictionsBexplanationsCdifferencesDconsequences51AdemandBfearCdesireDdoubt52Aphysic。


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