1、第三部分t阅读理解(共两节430分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分共20分)阅读下列短文从句题所给的A.R、C、D阴个选项中选:I:fi毛tt边叫并在芥I.!卡j;向i.If涂黑。Our teen flel巧飞、orkshops at Poets How-e are opp回unities化r wnltn.in ltif!h吕hnul lo rrtllh、111dexplore poetry in one of the largt:-1 p耐 lilimri臼in the co1111t可.Young poet当川、在in:.11 a rhn11付to cli into the art and
2、 cm.Ii of poc-1巧in a fun.treativc and in.,piring environment.Online Video Work.shops Join Dave Johnson 飞飞orkshop lo write clnily new poems in only 10 rni011tes.Clfrk the hanner for two i;tri件。f vicle rir work.lhen a short biography and reads nn aclclitio,rnl p(lcm.These workshops are fun and surpris
3、ing.for letns 1hro11gh adults,fi仲俨The Thompson Foundation Initiative The highlight of our lL-,isit hi京h school classrooms foUowed by free follo1,-up rlnss visits to Poi-:ts House.Recent teache陀have included Dave Johnson.Jive Poetic.and Mahog1rny Rmwne.This initintiP is meant to incw.Ase acctss tor、o
未经允许不得转载:答案星辰 » 2022-2023学年北京市海淀区高二(下)期末英语试题卷