


1、高考英语读后续写素材一、营救动物(一)描写营救动物【常用词】21.rescue: 救援2.protect: 保护3.release: 释放4.treat: 治疗5.adopt: 领养6.evacuate: 疏散7.reunite: 团聚8.aid: 援助9.shelter: 收容所10.rehabilitation center 康复中心11.foster family: 寄养家庭【例句】1.The team of volunteers worked tirelessly torescuethe trapped animals from the burning building.(志愿者团队不

2、懈努力地营救被困在燃烧的建筑物中的动物)2.The animal rights group works toprotectendangered species from illegal hunting and poaching.(动物权利组织致力于保护濒危物种免受非法狩猎和偷猎的侵害)3.After rehabilitating the injured bird, theyreleasedit back into the wild where it belonged.(在帮助受伤的鸟康复后,他们将其放回它原本属于的野外)4.The wildlife rehabilitation centert

3、reatssick and injured animals and helps them regain their health and strength.(野生动物康复中心治疗病弱和受伤的动物,并帮助它们恢复健康和力量)5.Afteradoptingthe rescue dog, they gave it a loving home and a second chance at life.(在领养了被救援的狗之后,他们为它提供了一个充满爱的家和第二次生命的机会)6.The rescuers worked toevacuatethe animals from the flooded area

4、before it was too late.(救援人员在来不及之前疏散了洪水区域内的动物)7.The animal rescuers worked tirelessly toreunitelost pets with their owners.(动物救援人员不辞辛苦地努力让走失的宠物与它们的主人团聚)8.The veterinarians worked toaidthe injured animals and help them recover from their injuries.(兽医师致力于援助受伤的动物,并帮助它们恢复健康)9.The localshelterprovides a

5、safe haven for homeless pets and helps them find loving forever homes.(当地的收容所为无家可归的宠物提供安全的避风港,并帮助它们找到永远的爱之家)10.The transport team carefully moved the injured wildlife tothe rehabilitation centerfor treatment.(运输队小心地将受伤的野生动物运送到康复中心接受治疗)11.The foster familytook in the abandoned kittens and nursed them

6、 back to health before finding them foreverhomes.(寄养家庭收留了被遗弃的小猫,并在将它们送往永久的家之前将它们养育到健康状态)(二)描写动物所处困境【常用词】1.trapped: 被困的2.injured: 受伤的3.wounded: 受伤的4.hurt: 受伤的5.bleeding: 流血的6.fractured: 骨折的7.limping: 跛行的8.paralyzed: 瘫痪的9.abandoned: 被遗弃的10.stranded: 搁浅的11.lost: 迷路的12.dehydrated: 脱水的13.starving: 饥饿的14.malnourished: 营养不良的15.exhausted: 精疲力竭的【例句】1.The littl



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