


1、晗师大附中2023年高三第四次模拟考试英语试卷答案听力答案:1毛AOCAC听力原文销。6-10 CBABA 11-15 CAC队M:3恻lo.How much is the t烛et for tonights阳rformance of问倪衔。w Full poce is S35。($25 f曲曲借M:ru get two tic永as Here are the辄侥叹曰rds四2)M HL I booghuhisd蚀阳e.but tt冶拍m阳市t WOOard pa仪IS理xt t。It TI阳es a 割肉rmarket on the ocher Side of the road 四5)MD乒

2、川getthe.饨川附re mterv勘创fo,?w Y臼.ant:rm very exClt回aboot it It pays much better队an mt old jobs.and I阳lk rn like阳例如向民ner.too.创6)W H7N long have只)Ub回n,镇ired roN.Gtandoa?M:Let mes回.Its four y回rs.I supp悦rm t局副to霞政er an thlS tune youtncm.I怖。ried for Courtaulds for forty yea军w Forty四ars?Really?Do灿Lke being r

3、eor创?Dont you ge现bor创?M:Wei.lVe got mt陶alth so I臼n do a lot rve Jl周t戚朋p golf.Its a goe白白mf3waland I nc创an exa.,四smce除附r d时l m因gMold Rover but I dont t阳nkI want another喝at rrtf age.I go to the golf dub cw昭a飞啼此问e m棋自some good协nds there H剖eyou met T回and Ma()One?”、1fre a lovely cou船M W Hell。.BtU H加eyoug

4、ot如何回h1ng t。剑、are明h 回M:Yeah.I was so str白白dout.Irr刷凡the陆军在few years were tt隙WO吼Wh制叭X,e ma much mfey.youre spendng a lotle stress on trymg to make the amount of money to剖阴阳t that hf臼tyle-吁t was too m.肋I was创吨,having heath P。blems as a饵,t of the stre部W rm sorry to悔ar阳L Otd you d。some山咱t。deal唰th that?M

5、:Y能l d时Id创to redu臼叙JESS l。re以l chang创my big house into a smallw and,创uce mt four臼rs t。two Then I toe到k a stre卧free JOb N。wI have mu由time to部end With rrtf始maly and Im happy W;How n阴l OK.its time ftodays POQram.Tha议灿肌e双8)w He).Chris.you sound a阳le sad What aeOU do1咱?M 1,PJst we a long email to rrry fr

6、崎nd.but W怆n I Pf臼sed 0send0.I O。t a pa伊胁t Found error.and the mad l馄饨mebm白白e breakdown of the c。ml)U(er can c剖银川民JtrJt加w.You are ngt(My friend Jack lost 300 dollars咐-.en 情sh。pped。nh僧M:300d。llars?Whats happened?W:He bought a riWtor his g,rtfnend onltne.队l he dJ伽飞创到ve it at all.M:What did he o。when the nng didnt arrmPWHe臼陆d the seller of course.以且the anw响er he got was that rrusc have got lost in the mad and he should can the express com阳nye成9)W:Hello.Max.Whats up?M:The town newspapers got a great阳



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