1、听第7段材料回答第8至10题8.Whot docs the man want to do?A.Take another model.B.Get his money back.9.What can we know about P50?八.It is lc:1s expensive.B.It is very popular.10.How much is the former phone?A.1,500 yuan.B.6,000 yuan.听缔,8段材料回答第11至14 Im.11.Whot docs the man invite the woman to do?A.Wotch o movie.B.
2、Meet Dr Bill.12.Whot does the womnn think of Dr Bill work?A.Just so-so.B.Outstanding.13.What will the woman d。n Tucsdoy evening?A.Have a Lina)exam at sch。I.B.Have coffee with the man.C.Have her teeth examined.14.When will they meet at the cafc?A.At6:30.B.At7:00.听第9段材料回答绍:“至17 Im.15.Why does the woma
3、n meet the man?A.To deliver some furniture.B.To look at the apartment.C.To have a meal toge由er.16.What can we know from the c。nversation?A.Jhc night table is great.B.The cupboard is smoll.17.When will the speakers probably meet next time?A.In three days.B.ln two days.昕第1 0段材料,回答第18至20题。18.飞Nho is th
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