





66. What’s the best title for the text?B.Popular foodA.Beautiful legends D.The history of rabbitC.Funny rabbits


Sh olmo believes that planning can make a big difference in the way cities are allowed togrow. However, good planning requires looking decades ahead, says Angel, and reservingland-before the city grows over it for parks and public transportation sace. It also requireslooking at growing cities in a positive way-ass concentrations of human energy. With theEarth’s population headed toward nine or ten billion, dense and carefully planned cities arelooking more like a solution perhaps the best hope for lifting people out of poverty withoutwrecking the planet.32. The underlined word in Paragraph 1“sprawl can be replaced by .____A. expanse B. expense C.expansion D. extension

19. Which best describes the Foundation’s relationship with local governments?A. Cooperative. B. Inseparable. C.Uneasy.20. What topic abouout the Foundation will the speaker talk abok about next?____A.Its history. B. Its principles. C.Its future plan.

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